10:57 AM
What does it mean to see Surah Al-Ahqaf in a dream?

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If a person dreams of reciting partially or the entirety of Surah Al-Ahqaf (Chapter 46 of the Quran), or of hearing it recited, it signifies that they will be highly obedient to their parents. They will not disobey their parents' commands and will have a heart that fears God. They will show kindness to everyone, especially their parents and relatives. This person will witness remarkable things that will astonish people. They will comprehend hidden matters and subtle secrets. When the angel of death comes to them, it will be in a beautiful form. When their time comes, at the end of their life, they will die as a martyr or achieve the reward of a martyr. (These interpretations are given by Ibn Sirin, Ja'far al-Sadiq (R.A.), and Kirmani.)

Tags: Surah Al-Ahqaf dream meaning, Dream interpretation, divine rewards, Dream symbolism, Obedience, hidden matters
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