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What does it mean to see Arabi (Hijri) Months in a dream?

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The time of the dream is also very important when interpreting the dreams. For this, the day of the dream, the time of the night or the month of the month should be taken into consideration. Seeing that it is in the Arabian months is usually a sign of good. After this information, which we have mentioned in a few words, let's now see how the dreams seen in the Arabi and Hijri months or Islamic months gain interpretation. As it is known, the number of Islamic or Hijri-Arabic months is twelve (12) months. These are the months of Muharram, 2. Safar, 3. Rabiul al-Awwal, 4. Rabiul al-Awwal, 5. Jamaz al-Awwal, 6. Jamaz al-Awwal, 7. Rajab, 8. Sha'ban, 9. Ramadan, 10. Shawwal, 11. Dhu'l-Qadha, 12. Dhu'l-Hijja. MUHARREM: If a dream is seen in this month, it will come out as it was seen. There is no mistake and confusion in the dream seen in Muharram. The person who sees the month of Muharram in his dream, if he is in distress, if he is in distress, if he is in prison, he will get rid of imprisonment, if he is sick, he will be cured of the disease and get rid of the disease, a person who is in the expatriate will get rid of the expatriate and return home, return to his homeland, it is interpreted as. If the person who sees the month of Muharram in his dream is a sinful person who commits a sin, he returns to Allah by repenting and turns to Allah. Because in the month of Muharram, the repentance of Adam (Alayhisselam) was accepted. If the person who dreams in the month of Muharram wishes to have a child, it is interpreted as having a good child. If the person who dreams in the month of Muharram is in trouble, he will get rid of this trouble, if he has an enemy, he will get rid of his enemy and gain safety, it is interpreted as. It is interpreted that if the person who dreams in the month of Muharram has a deviation and wrongdoing, he turns away from them and repents and his repentance is accepted in the sight of Allah. If the person who sees the dream in this month has left his job or civil service, it is interpreted as a sign that he will return or return to his job or civil service again. If the person who dreams in this month is poor, if he is poor, he will get rid of poverty, he will become rich, if he is sick, he will be cured of his illness, he will recover, he will regain his health, it is interpreted as. To see the month of Muharram in the dream, to get rid of all kinds of troubles, to get out of prison, to find healing from illness. Seeing the month of Muharram in the dream signifies the return of an expatriate to his homeland. For a sinful person to see the month of Muharram in a dream, it signifies that he will repent and be guided. Again, to see the month of Muharram in the dream, if he desires to have a child; that he will have a righteous child; If he is poor, it also signifies that he will be rich. SAFER: The dreams seen in this month are not considered good. However, if a person who is in distress and grief sees a dream in the month of expedition, it is interpreted as good. This dream can be auspicious. If the dreamer is sick, he will recover from the disease and regain his health. If he has sorrow and sorrow, it is interpreted as a sign that he will get rid of them or get rid of them. Dreams seen in the month of Safar are not a good omen. Dreams seen in the month of Safar are not very welcome. Seeing the month of saffar in the dream signifies healing for the sick, getting rid of grief and sorrow, and overcoming individual difficulties. REBİUL'EVVEL: To see this month in a dream or to dream in this month is good. There will be a continuous profit and gain in his work, he will have joy and refreshment. The dreams seen in this month come true, those who want a child have a child, it is interpreted as. Seeing the month of Rabi'l-awwal in the dream signifies joy and bliss. Seeing the month of Rabi'l-awwal in the dream indicates that the dream owner's earnings and trade will be continuous and profitable, and that the dream owner will reach joy and prosperity. If someone who is waiting for a son sees the month of Rabi'l-awwal in a dream, it indicates that the dreamer will have a righteous son. If a person in distress sees the month of Rabi'l-awwal in a dream, it is a sign that he will get rid of the distress. REBIUL AHIR: If a person sees the month of Rebiul'ahir in his dream, he will be victorious (superior) to his enemy or enemies. It is interpreted as a sign that a scholar and a very brave (heroic) son is born or will come. Because our Prophet Ali was born in this month, they interpreted it as a sign. Seeing the month of Rabi'l-âhir in the dream signifies that the dream owner will be victorious over his enemy. Again, seeing the month of Rabi'l-âhir in the dream signifies the birth of a scholar and a very brave son. JEMAZIEL'EVVEL: This month is a stagnant month. It indicates that the person who dreams in this month will have or will have stagnation in his business life (business). For this reason, a stagnation and unwillingness and laziness are observed in the person who sees the dream. Whoever sees the month of cemaziyel'evvel in his dream loses his daughter and his wife. In other words, his daughter or wife dies. Because our Prophet's daughter Hz. Fatima Validemiz died in this month in the month of Jemaziyel'evvel, it is interpreted as. Seeing the month of Jamâziyel-evvel in the dream indicates that there will be stagnation in the dream owner's business. Again, seeing the month of Jemâziyel-awwal in the dream indicates that the dreamer may lose his daughter or wife. Because our Prophet's daughter Hazrat Fatimat al-Zahra passed away in this month. JUMAZIL AL-AHRAR: This month is a stingy month. The things signalled by the dreams seen in this month usually do not come true. This is the case whether the dreams are good or bad. It has been interpreted that even the dreams that point to good, which is good, are delayed a long time, and do not come true immediately. The judgement of the dreams seen in the month of Jemâziyel-âhir, whether the dream is good or bad, generally does not come true. RAJAB: Dreams seen in the month of Rajab usually come true. In the month of Rajab, the doors of good are always open. Everything bad and evil turns into good. Every dream seen in the month of Rajab is interpreted with good, they are always favourable. If the dream interpreter, who interprets the dream seen in the month of Rajab, interprets it with good, that dream will surely turn into good and good will come out. If a person sees the month of Rajab in a dream, this dream is a sign of honour, superior merit; because our Prophet, our Prophet, ascended to Miraj in the month of Rajab, it is interpreted as. Seeing the month of Rajab in the dream signifies honour and merit. Because the Messenger of Allah (s.a.s.) ascended to the miracle in the month of Rajab. Dreams seen in the month of Rajab are strong and true. Doors of goodness and blessings are opened in this month. SHABAN: If the dream seen in the month of Sha'ban signifies good, it will be far from evil, the dreamer will stay away from evil deeds and do a lot of good deeds. If the interpreter says evil, the sign of the dream is delayed, and what the interpreter says or the interpretation of the interpreter does not come out. The dream is interpreted as turning into good. Seeing the month of Sha'ban in the dream signifies that one of the statesmen may be dismissed or a change of administration. RAMAZAN: In this month, all the evil doors are closed and the good dreams seen in this month come out very quickly and come true quickly. The sign of a good dream seen in Ramadan is not delayed, while the sign of a bad dream is delayed and not interpreted. The person who sees the month of Ramadan in a dream has been interpreted as seeing blessings, goodness and goodness and staying away from evil, and the interpretations are in this way. Seeing the month of Ramadan in the dream means goodness, blessings, commanding goodness and forbidding evil, forgiveness and forgiveness. If the dreamer is a person who learns knowledge and Qur'an, he will be blessed with knowledge and Qur'an. Because the Qur'an was revealed in this month. When a sick person sees the month of Ramadan in a dream, it signifies healing. If a person in distress sees the month of Ramadan in a dream, it signifies to get rid of his distress. Shawwal: If a person sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it is interpreted as that person gets rid of sorrow, sorrow and distress, and attains refreshment and joy. Because the month of Shawwal is the month of feast, it is interpreted as. Seeing the month of Shawwal in the dream signifies getting rid of sorrow, refreshment and collective joy. Because the month of Shawwal is the month of Eid. ZILKADE: Dreams seen in the month of Zil'kade are not very good. If a person dreams in the month of Zilkade and his dream is interpreted as a sign of travelling, the person who sees this dream should not intend to go on a journey. Because the end is not auspicious, it is interpreted as. Dreams seen in the month of Zilkade are not interpreted in good. The dreams seen in the month of Zilkade signify temporary sorrow and grief. If the dream seen in this month refers to the journey, it is interpreted that it should not travel. ZIL'HIJJA: If the dream of the person who sees a dream in the month of Zil'hicce indicates a journey, it is good for him to go on a journey. The person who sees the dream can arrange all his affairs and set off on a journey. This journey of his is a blessing for him. Because this month is a very blessed month, a month with the feast of Eid al-Adha, they interpreted it as such. In his dream, this month (Zilhijce) is in the month of the month, who sees that he is in the month, who sees the sacrifice and the sacrificial feast prayer, if he has a debt, he pays it, if he has vows, he fulfils them, it is interpreted as a sign that he will repent or repent. The month of Dhu'l-Hijjah is a blessed month and is the season of pilgrimage. There is a feast and sacrifice in this month. To see in the dream that he is in the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah, or that he sacrifices a sacrifice in this month, or that he performs the Eid al-Adha prayer, signifies that the dreamer goes on pilgrimage, pays his debts, fulfils his vows, repents, and reaches guidance after deviation.

Tags: blessings in dreams, journey symbolism, dream insights, dream interpretation guide, Islamic months symbolism, Dream analysis, Dream symbolism, Dream interpretation, Arabi months dream meaning, dream symbols, symbolic significance, dream dictionary
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