9:37 AM What does it mean to see Pied Crow in a dream? | |
You are viewing the dream interpretation titled 'What Does It Mean to See a Pied Crow in a Dream?' To see different interpretations, you can visit the dream interpretations page. Dreaming of seeing a pied crow is not generally interpreted as positive. If someone dreams of a pied crow, it represents a mischievous individual who possesses qualities of selfishness, stinginess, constant lying, and never keeping promises. The dream suggests that the person seeing it might have similar undesirable traits. This dream serves as a wake-up call, prompting self-awareness of such unlikable aspects. Dreaming of a pied crow indicates an arrogant, miserly, untruthful, and deceitful person. Additionally, this dream could symbolize embarking on a journey or parting ways with a friend. | |
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