2:08 PM
What does it mean to see Name in a dream?

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Seeing his name changed in the dream indicates good, bliss, salvation. To see that his name is changed with a name such as blind, lame, etc., indicates that the dreamer will become this state, to see that he is called by a name other than his original name, if it is an ugly name, it means that he will commit a mistake or get sick, if it is a beautiful name, it indicates to be a high and honourable person. Hearing that you are called by your name in the dream is the harbinger of a very good news that will make you happy. It also indicates that your reputation among your friends will increase. Seeing in his dream that his name (name) has changed with another name is good (good). So this dream is a sign of a new life (happy life). Seeing in his dream that his name has changed with a bad name (for example; blind, lame and lame and similar names) is not good and good. It indicates that an undesirable situation such as these names will be encountered.

Tags: Dream symbolism, Dream meaning, Positive News, alterations in life, Dream interpretation, seeing a name in a dream, Name Change, reputation, personal symbols, symbolic interpretations
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