10:08 AM
What does it mean to see Granary in a dream?

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Dreaming of a granary full of provisions signifies that your reckless and shortsighted actions will bring distress to your family, indicating that you might not become an ideal family leader throughout your life. According to some interpretations, it can also indicate abundance. Dreaming of a granary is interpreted with both hardship and relief. For instance, if you dream of a wheat granary filled to the brim, it symbolizes provision, blessing, and plenty. On the other hand, seeing an empty granary, meaning a granary without provisions, is interpreted as hardship. If you dream of taking grain out of a granary and you are in a position of authority, it suggests that you will treat those under your authority kindly. If the dreamer is a knowledgeable person, it indicates that people will benefit from their wisdom. Dreaming of a wheat granary completely filled indicates prosperity, blessing, and abundance. However, an empty granary indicates hardship.

Tags: recklessness, family implications, Dream symbolism, hardship, Dream interpretation, granary in dream, Abundance
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