11:25 AM What does it mean to see Mount Arafat in a dream? | |
You are viewing the interpretation of the dream titled "What Does Dreaming of Mount Arafat Mean?" You can go to the dream interpretations page to see different interpretations. Dreaming of standing in the state of "Wuquf" (the ritual of standing) at Mount Arafat during Hajj signifies the anticipation of good and beautiful days ahead. It is interpreted as a positive sign that positive and fortunate days are on the horizon for the dreamer. According to some interpretations, seeing oneself performing the Wuquf at Arafat indicates that the dreamer's repentance has been accepted by Allah, or it might symbolize reuniting with a relative or friend who is living abroad. Dreaming of seeing Mount Arafat is associated with the acceptance of repentance and signifies honor and dignity. | |
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