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What does it mean to see Palm of the Hand in a dream?

Dreaming of the Palm of the Hand: Meaning and Interpretation

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Dreaming of the palm of the hand indicates that the dreamer possesses strength and power. Seeing an open palm in the dream symbolizes abundance and prosperity in livelihood. If the palm is closed in the dream, it signifies financial difficulties and hardship. If a person sees themselves opening their palms towards the sky in the dream, and if they are a government official, it indicates a rise in their rank and position.

Seeing the palms of the hands in an open and favorable condition suggests that the dreamer's sustenance will be abundant and that they are a generous individual. Conversely, if the palms are closed and clenched, it implies that the dreamer is stingy, lacking in generosity, and averse to performing acts of kindness.

If a hunter dreams of raising their palms towards the sky, as if making a prayer, it signifies a prediction that they will have a successful hunting season.

Interpretation by Ibn Kesir: If a person dreams of having wide and spacious palms, this dream indicates an increase in wealth and riches. The dreamer will become renowned for their generosity and altruism.

A narrow, shrunken, or clenched state of the palms is not interpreted positively. It is the opposite of the previous interpretation. It suggests constraints on wealth and a decrease in prosperity.

Interpretation by Kirmani: If a person dreams of having clean and sparkling palms, it signifies turning away from sins and wrongdoings.

Interpretation by Ja'far al-Sadiq (R.A.): Dreaming of the palm of the hand symbolizes:

  1. A good life,
  2. Wealth and fortune,
  3. Offspring,
  4. Leadership,
  5. Heroism,
  6. Abstinence from sinful behavior.

The abundance, scarcity, cleanliness, dirtiness, and ugliness observed in the palms are interpreted as indicators of these six aspects.

Dreaming of the palm of the hand suggests the dreamer's strength. An open palm reflects an open-hearted nature, material comfort, ample sustenance, ease of living, and generosity. A closed palm reflects financial difficulties, scarcity of sustenance, and stinginess. Raising one's palms towards the sky in a dream signifies benefits and goodness. An open and pleasant palm indicates the acceptance of prayers, abundance of livelihood, and generosity. Moreover, seeing an open and beautiful palm suggests refraining from disobedience to Allah.

If the palm is closed in the dream, it signifies financial constraints, the dreamer's stinginess, and their limited capacity for good deeds. Dreaming of a small and delicate palm indicates a fearful and weak personality.

If the dreamer sees hair growing within their palm, it points to sorrow, debts, loss of possessions, and financial difficulties.

Meta-Tags and Keywords: dream interpretation, palm of the hand, dream meanings, dream symbols, dream analysis, dream explanation, dream guidance, fortune telling, palm reading, palmistry, hand symbolism, dream dictionary, palm lines, hand lines, dream insights, spiritual interpretation.

Tags: Dream interpretation, Dream meanings, palm of the hand, dream symbols, dream dictionary, palm lines, dream guidance, hand lines, Palmistry, Dream analysis, fortune telling, palm reading, dream explanation, Dream symbolism, hand symbolism, dream insights
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