3:51 PM
What does it mean to see Scolded in a dream?

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In a dream, being scolded by someone (hearing reprimands) indicates that you will receive respect, love, and become friends with that person. The act of scolding is interpreted similarly. Alternatively, this dream may symbolize receiving material and spiritual support and assistance from close relatives (such as parents, uncles, or mentors).

Seeing oneself being scolded by a prophet, saint, scholar, or friend signifies the need for repentance and turning away from recklessness. Scolding can also be interpreted as an expression of love and affection. Sometimes, being scolded in a dream refers to the respect and love you will receive from others.

Being scolded in a dream can also be a sign of material and spiritual support from significant figures in your life, such as parents, uncles, or mentors. If you scold yourself in a dream, it symbolizes regret over an action you will undertake and eventually blame yourself for. Scolding a child in a dream signifies the need to properly educate and discipline them.

Tags: Love, spiritual support, Dream symbolism, receiving respect, Discipline, Friendship, Dream interpretation, material support, Repentance, Dream meaning, parenting, being scolded
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