Dreams of smoking a cigar can symbolize a state of relaxation and emotional self-control. It may also represent masculinity and raw energy, as per Freud's interpretation of cigars as phallic symbols. Additionally, this dream may relate to someone you know who smokes cigars. On the other hand, seeing dried or shriveled cigars could serve as a pun on a lack of a sex life.
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Views: 33 |
Dreams of smoking or offering a cigarette can suggest a need for a break or raise questions about dependency issues. However, if you are against smoking and have this dream, it may prompt you to analyze aspects of your waking life that could negatively affect your health.
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Views: 35 |
Dreams of seeing or eating cilantro can symbolize the concept of immortality.
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Views: 60 |
Dreams of wearing a body cincher or waist trainer may symbolize your attempt to conform or fit in. It suggests that you are altering aspects of yourself to align with other people's ideals.
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Views: 35 |
Dreams of seeing or watching Cinderella can symbolize the idea that a seemingly challenging situation will eventually work out for the best, illustrating that there can be a 'happily ever after.' However, dreaming that you are Cinderella may suggest feelings of being overburdened or taking on too much. Alternatively, it may indicate a sense of being overshadowed, overlooked, or neglected, where your efforts are not being recognized.
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Views: 33 |
Dreams of seeing or smelling cinnamon may suggest the need to add some spice to your life, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone. Alternatively, the dream can symbolize renewal and purification.
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Views: 72 |
Dreams of seeing or eating a cinnamon bun can symbolize the concept of the Self, representing wholeness and completion. Alternatively, it may signify the enjoyment of life's sweeter aspects.
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Views: 41 |
Dreams of being in a theater reflect aspects of your social life, where the performance may mirror situations in your waking life. The characters in the dream may represent facets of yourself, and you could be taking on a new role. Alternatively, the dream could be a metaphor for being overly theatrical or melodramatic, asking whether you're acting like a 'dream queen.' Laughing or applauding in a theater may indicate choosing pleasure and instant gratification over working toward future goals. Dreaming of a theater on fire suggests embarking on risky new projects.
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Views: 41 |
Dreams of seeing a circle symbolize themes of perfection, completeness, immortality, and wholeness. However, they can also signify going around in circles, monotony, or endless repetition. Circles within circles may suggest protection or excessive guarding, prompting the need to let down defenses or break out of a vicious cycle. An imperfect or incomplete circle signifies facing obstacles and setbacks in the pursuit of goals, requiring inner growth and knowledge. A circle with a cross symbolizes earth and self-orientation.
Category: C |
Views: 121 |
Dreams of seeing a circuit board suggest the need to follow specific steps and processes to achieve a desired outcome. It signifies that a project you are working on requires cohesive action. Alternatively, a circuit board can symbolize something in your life that plays a role in keeping everything or everyone together.
Category: C |
Views: 56 |
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