Dreams of having bandages may indicate a need for emotional healing. You could be concealing emotional wounds and shielding your hurt from others. The location of the bandage on your body can offer additional insights.

If someone is throwing bandages at you in a dream, it could symbolize emotional pain caused by someone else. Despite inner hurt, you maintain a facade of happiness on the outside.

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Dreams of seeing or wearing a bandana often indicate the need for a more objective perspective when dealing with issues or problems. Consider your options carefully.

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Dreams of being a bandit often symbolize primal sexuality and intense, instinctual desires.

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Dreams of being exiled often reflect feelings of alienation and loneliness in a new or unfamiliar environment.

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Dreams of playing a banjo often symbolize the importance of togetherness and the need to cherish moments spent with friends.

Hearing or witnessing someone playing a banjo in your dream signifies joyous and happy occasions.

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Dreams featuring a bank often reflect your yearning for financial security. They may serve as a reassuring message, suggesting that your concerns about financial instability are unwarranted.

Dreams of robbing a bank can indicate an excessive expenditure of energy, risking depletion of your inner resources. Alternatively, such dreams may point to delays in receiving money owed to you.

Dreams involving witnessing a bank robbery or someone robbing a bank may symbolize a lack of financial stability in your waking life.


**You Can Also Read Vault.

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Dreams featuring a banker often point to financial challenges or money-related issues. In such dreams, the presence of a banker may symbolize a reluctance to seek help or support, possibly due to pride. It can also indicate a sense of being overwhelmed and out of control in financial matters.

Category: B | | Views: 54 |

Dreams of experiencing bankruptcy often serve as a warning to take proactive steps in safeguarding yourself and your resources. Such dreams may signal emotional exhaustion or physical overexertion, possibly indicating feelings of depression. Additionally, dreaming of bankruptcy can reflect underlying insecurities.

Category: B | | Views: 48 |

Dreams featuring a banner often symbolize your readiness to take a stand and fight for a cause or a shared objective. A banner in your dream may also highlight the importance of improved organization and strategic planning.

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Dreams of attending a banquet often symbolize emotional malnourishment. These dreams suggest a hunger for emotional stimulation and fulfillment, reflecting an inner desire to nourish your emotional well-being.


**You Can Also Read Feast.

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